Our Vision

In Honor of Mr. Bentley

His Family's Perspective...

Through his belief and obedience, Dad was a lavish giver to those he loved as well as those less fortunate. We will never know the full extent of his generosity and hospitality, but we do know it gave him great joy, thus birthing the dream of a foundation.
Taking great effort to ensure his giving would be perpetual past his life, his vision and dream is now a reality.
The TEB Foundation culminates from his life of hard work and sacrifice.

To honor Dad, the TEB Foundation was born.

"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.”
- Luke 12:48 KJV

Our Focus

Bringing a Dream into Reality

Mental Health

Helping individuals realize their abilities and self-worth, developing skills to manage the stresses of life, working to achieve a productive and fulfilling life.

Physical & Spiritual Health

Assisting those in need of physical healing or recovery as well as offering to those a spiritual rejuvenation in one’s life.


Empowering learning facilities to develop and educate the future leaders of tomorrow, giving all students the opportunity to make a success of their future.

Disaster Relief

Giving hope to those who have been impacted by disaster in their lives, assisting with their immediate needs and helping ease the transition to new beginnings.




People Impacted


Cities Represented


Years of Giving

Featured Beneficiaries

Take a look at the amazing work being done.

Housing Crisis Center

Housing Crisis Center’s mission is to prevent homelessness and to stabilize those at risk in decent, affordable, and permanent housing, and to empower them to solve their own housing problems in the future.

Operating Since:


Uncharted Ministries

Uncharted Ministries Informs, Inspires and Challenges, the Body of Christ to join the movement of God among both Jews and Muslims in the Middle East and in uncharted territories around the world.

Operating Since:


GFM Ministries

GFM Ministries is a Christian organization that brings holistic, self-sustaining solutions to poverty with the love and hope of Christ; serving over 250,000 people in hundreds of rural villages with community-transforming projects like economic development, education, medical aid, and more.

Operating Since:

Not Available

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Designer, Student

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Mary doe

Architect, Student

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ABE fujimoto

IT, Student

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Anthony Packer


Become A Beneficiary

Join the TEB family of organisations bringing hope to our world.